

Backside Verbier is fortunate to count among its partners:

The TrailTaxi shuttle company,

Mountain bike offices and schools Verbier Bike Guides, Bike school, Bureau des guides de Verbier,

The hotels Mirabeau, Experimental, Bristol, Chamois, Vanessa, Shed, Rotonde, Ermitage, Farinet, Hotel from Verbier, and hôsuch restaurant N°8,

Offshore restaurants and bars, Lumi, Pub Montfort,

The White Frontier and La Nébuleuse breweries,

The agencies Bramble Ski, Ski Verbier Exclusive, Verbier rental, Besson,

The Copperfield School,

The companies and structures Verbier BikePark, Verbier Promotion and Five Management.

If you have any questions about our partnerships contact us by phone at +41 27 771 44 49 or by email on

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